Nexsure® 2.7.3 Release Notes (07-25-14)
Add cancellation reasons as a delivery variable (F7697)
- Add Guam and Puerto Rico to forms States table (F7731)
- ACORD 140 updated (F7657)
Add new method to send renewed policy to history (D25615)
Retail Agent
- Import Retail Agents from Excel (F7718)
Service Automation
- Renewal auto id card delivery (F7658)
- Add include renewal check box to expirations SA and expiration campaigns (F7694)
- Add filter by client type: personal or commercial to expiration & in force campaigns (F7696)
Resolved Issues
- Open up department and unit fields to change on unposted future installments (D25593)
- Third party commission not created when add 2nd premium line (D25625)
- Multiple renewals created by clicking on "next" multiple times (D25250)
- Reinstatement in the future is not registering policy status change (D25630)
- AddSinglePolicy assignments will return Unassigned if anything other than Producer is used (D25573)
- Unable to Renew a policy using EAI if policy was created in EAI (D25616)
- AddSinglePolicy method causes bad data in DW (D25614)
- Add new method to send renewed policy to history (D25615)
Reconciliation Clearing Reconciliation XDR - GL Direct Transactions need ability to filter out normal workflow transactions (D25494)
Service Automation
- Don't allow attachment in campaign to be deleted from document library (D25505)
- Need to change failure action memo on reinstatements for client & retail agent - it says go to home cancellation which is incorrect (D25514)